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List of Every Anime Character and Powe Levels

List of Every Anime Character and Powe Levels

Over the past few decades, an unfathomable number of hours accept been spent trying to make up one's mind who the strongest anime character of all time is. There are endless candidates to choose from, making information technology a very difficult question to answer. In fact, given that many take access to their own unique powers and abilities, some will argue that there is no definitive respond. These people may well exist correct, but that hasn't stopped others from trying to observe one.

When attempting to come up to a definitive decision, there are many variables that need to be taken into account. Obviously, the nearly of import of these is how stiff the characters are, though things like durability, fighting style, and special skills besides need to be factored in. The strongest anime characters score highly in each of these categories and have typically proven themselves in battle time and time again.

Updated March vii, 2022 by Tom Bowen: The ongoing soapbox surrounding the strongest anime graphic symbol of all time is unlikely to always end, with fans of certain series adamant that their respective characters deserve to be on the podium. Short of throwing them all into a ring together to duke it out ala Jump Strength though, it'southward hard to encounter how a truly definitive respond could ever actually be reached. Notwithstanding, the highly subjective nature of ranking the strongest anime characters certainly isn't going to stop people from trying.

12 Eren Yeager (Attack On Titan)

Eren Yeager in his Attack Titan form

Though Eren is far from useless while in his human being form, it'due south not until he transforms that he actually becomes deadly. The power to mutate into an unstoppable xv-foot Titan is an incredibly useful one to accept up 1's sleeve, and information technology's i that comes to his rescue time and time again throughout Assault on Titan .

Due to his sheer size alone, few anime characters could always really hope to bring him downwards, while the list of those who could survive his sheer forcefulness is perhaps shorter still. He besides carries the Founding Titan power inside him, which allows him to control other Titans after coming into contact with someone who has royal blood coursing through their veins.

11 Kageyama Shigo (Mob Psycho 100)


Sometimes, large things come in small packages, every bit evidenced by Mob Psycho 100'southward Kageyama Shigo, who usually just goes by "Mob," for short. Unlike Eren, who draws much of his power from his vast size later on transforming, Mob's strength is instead derived directly through his thoughts. This may not sound all that impressive on newspaper, but, when his abilities are fully unleashed upon the globe, they hit much harder than whatever titan ever could.

Unfortunately, Mob is withal to learn how to fully control his powers, instead choosing to shackle them in lodge to avoid causing adventitious damage. They're still able to escape from time to time when Mob loses control over his emotions though, ensuring that neither he nor those around him can always truly let their baby-sit down. His truthful power really is that terrifying, and he's absolutely right to be and then afraid of it.

10 Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)

Naruto from Naruto

Naruto may not be as strong as some of the other popular anime protagonists that are out there, just what he lacks in raw strength, he more than makes upwards for with technique and confidence. The once narcissistic ninja'south control over the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox makes him a existent force to exist reckoned with, equally too does Sage Mode.

Being able to create gigantic Chakra creatures often comes in handy, especially as he's able to use and combine every element while doing so. The Hero of the Hidden Foliage won a World War nigh single-handedly with these abilities, which only goes to show how powerful he really is within the confines of the Naruto universe.

9 Alucard (Hellsing)

Hellsing ultimate anime alucard

Thanks to his impressive collection of souls, Alucard is more or less invincible at the commencement of Hellsing. Past the series' determination, however, he exists both everywhere and nowhere, making information technology downright impossible to kill him. This, of form, does not bode well for those who end up on the incorrect side of him, which, for most people, tends to be his just side.

Alucard is an unstoppable killer, with a broad array of abilities at his disposal. His superhuman speed and strength allow him to tear through enemies with his blank easily, while also making it incredibly difficult for his victims to retaliate. He'southward every bit as deadly with weapons too, with his trusty pair of handguns having dispatched their off-white share of souls over the years.

8 Yhwach (Bleach)


Being the Son of the Soul King, Yhwach was blessed with a number of unique powers; most notably the power to distribute parts of his soul to other living beings simply past touching them. By doing so, he was able to take people cultivate new powers and abilities for him, which he was then able to repossess and apply against his enemies.

Though Ichigo is ultimately able to get the better of Yhwach, this is down to the hero being smarter than the villain; not stronger. Had Yhwach only finished his rival off when he had the chance, he would no doubtfulness accept been able to bring an cease to existence and its endless bike of life and death. With The Almighty — a power that allows its wielder to rewrite the future — at his disposal, at that place may well be a version of reality in which he did only that.

7 Kaguya Otsutsuki (Naruto)

Naruto Celestial Kaguya Ōtsutsuki

Naruto has come up against some powerful villains over the years, only none quite as mortiferous as the Rabbit Goddess, Kaguya. After consuming the fruit of the God Tree and and so later merging with the God Tree itself, she became the X-Tails, granting her a wide array of powers that brand her about-on unstoppable in battle.

Though Kaguya initially uses these abilities to protect her former clan and her sons, she's eventually consumed past the power, much like the Chakra fruit was once consumed past her. After her heart has been lost to darkness, she uses her ability to read and dispense minds almost exclusively for immoral acts; causing untold pain and devastation.

6 Muzan Kibutsuji (Demon Slayer)


Given his status every bit the leader of the Twelve Kizuki, non to mention, King of the demons, Muzan Kibutsuji's reputation for chaos and carnage is already fairly well established at this bespeak in the Demon Slayer anime. Even if it weren't though, his power to control anyone with his demonic blood coursing through their veins almost makes information technology a moot point. He has an unstoppable ground forces of demons right at his fingertips, and, unlike a regular regular army, there's zilch chance of a mutiny.

Muzan's an incredibly accomplished fighter in his own correct though, with his superhuman forcefulness allowing him to tear through the Hashira ranks with relative ease. Fifty-fifty if one of them did somehow manage to get shut enough to catch him off guard, his immortality and Biokinetic abilities serve as the ultimate rubber net. Information technology's non like the Hashira can just await him out either, as, just for good measure out, Muzan as well possesses eternal youth.

five Tetsuo Shima (Akira)

Tetsuo Being Corrupted By HIs Powers

Tetsuo serves as the master antagonist in Akira, despite having once been the hero'south all-time friend. His psychic power, once fully awakened, proves to be far likewise much for him to be able to control, leading to a series of psychic explosions that threaten to destroy the unabridged universe. Thankfully, he'south pulled into an alternate dimension by Akira earlier catastrophe can strike.

What makes Tetsuo and so frightening is that he never actually comes close to harnessing the full potential of his psychic ability; at least non in a form that he'southward able to control, anyhow. Were he ever able to fully master his abilities, in that location's really no telling what he could achieve, nor who he could beat in battle if push came to shove.

iv Anos Voldigoad (The Misfit of Demon Rex University)


The Misfit of Demon King Academy anime may be adequately new when compared to some of the other pop anime series that have made their style due west, but its main protagonist Anos has existed for more 2,000 years. He'southward a reincarnation of the first and nearly powerful Demon King, which brings with it quite a few useful combat-related perks and benefits.

Equally well as being ridiculously fast and unfathomably strong, Anos also has access to a wide array of Magic, including the ability to destroy the indestructible just by looking at information technology. He's also able to wield the magic sword of the founder, Venuzdonoa, which was created using the body of the original God of Destruction. Much like Anos' magical eyes, the bract tin destroy just about anything.

3 Giorno Giovanna (JoJo's Baroque Take a chance)

Giorno using his stand, Gold Experience Requiem

Some may argue that Jotaro Kujo is the strongest character in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and while the Stardust Crusaders protagonist is certainly powerful, he's really no match for the Office 5 protagonist, Giorno Giovanna. The latter's Gold Feel Requiem stand ability is just far too powerful, putting every other stand — including Star Power — to shame.

GER is able to revert actions and can be triggered in a setting in which time no longer exists. It's also able to operate independently of Giorno, meaning that even if somebody were able to fatally wound him in battle, his stand would instantly bring him dorsum to life. Every bit a outcome, he's pretty much immortal and has the kind of firepower needed to really make that count.

2 Son Goku (Dragon Ball)

Dragon Ball Super Screenshot Of Ultra Instinct Goku

Although it could certainly exist argued that Zeno is the strongest character in Dragon Ball , there's a large deviation between strength and ability. Sure, Zeno could erase all of existence with the snap of his tiny little fingers, but, given his small stature, he likely wouldn't fare all that well in a fistfight. Goku, on the other paw, is in his element in such surroundings.

The Super Saiyan has proven to be Earth'due south savior on countless occasions, managing to overcome but most every obstacle he's ever faced. Thanks to his Saiyan blood, defeat only makes him stronger and, in Ultra Instinct, he now has access to the Power of the Gods. As he begins to principal that power, he's just going to become stronger, simply as he has washed for the past three and a half decades.

1 Saitama (One Dial Man)

Saitama from One Punch Man

Due to the satirical nature of One Punch Man, it's safe to presume that Saitama is intended to correspond the strongest anime grapheme of all time and information technology'southward somewhat difficult to dispute that assertion. Unlike Goku and other anime heroes — who are often pushed to their absolute limits — Saitama is able to defeat his enemies using a single attack without ever breaking a sweat.

There'due south perchance an argument to be made that other anime characters would also thrive if placed in the One Dial Homo universe and this may well be true. Ultimately though, pretty much every other anime hero has, at ane bespeak or another, been shown to be weaker than other characters in their respective universes; suggesting that somewhere down the line, the same thing will probably happen over again. In Saitama's instance, however, he's always been number 1 and likely always will be.

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List of Every Anime Character and Powe Levels




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